Davey Bickford720501410 Db

Raison d'être : Non renseignée Non renseignée

le Moulin Gaspard 89550 Héry

Indice de confiance

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Chiffre d'affaires 2023

116,8 M€


Enaex Europe

Effectif 2021

500 à 999


52 ans



Fabrication de produits explosifs

À propos

Delivering innovative blasting solutions to the #mining #construction & #quarrying industries.Source : Twitter

Fabrication et vente d'accessoires de tirSource : BODACC

Le n° de TVA correspondant à l'activité de Davey Bickford est : FR86720501410. Cette entreprise est affiliée au numéro de siren suivant : 720501410. Le nombre d'employés en 2021 était de 500 à 999. Le principal établissement de Davey Bickford se situe dans la ville de Héry. La structure fabrique des produits explosifs, le code NAF correspondant est 2051Z. L'indice de confiance de cette société, selon nos critères est de 64/100. L'entité Davey Bickford a 28 marques déposées, dont DB DAVEY BICKFORD, DAVEYPRIMER et DAVEYFUSE. La création de la structure a été réalisé pendant l'année 1972. Le Président de cette dernière est Hbe undefined. En 1973, Davey Bickford disposait d'un capital de 6400000 €. Cette société est active sur le web : elle dispose d'une page Twitter. Le nom de celle-ci est dbickfordenaex et son total de followers est de 1890.

Fiche d'identité

  1. Type Société par actions simplifiée (SAS)
  2. Date de création 01/01/1972
  3. Effectif 500 à 999 (2021)
  4. Capital social 6.400.000€ (1973) (Source RCS)
  5. Chiffre d'affaires 116,8 M€ (2023)
  6. TVA intercommunautaire FR86720501410
  7. Numéro de SIREN 720501410
  8. Code NAF Fabrication de produits explosifs (2051Z)
  9. Statut SIRENE Active
  10. Statut RCS Immatriculée (28/03/1973)


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Site internet de Davey Bickford

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Obligations de vigilance

{[{ item.title }]}

Statut du dossier d'obligations de vigilance

Le dossier de la société {[{company.usedName}]} est complet.

La société {[{company.usedName}]} n'a pas encore déposé tous les documents requis.


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Loi SAPIN II (encadrant la corruption)

SAPIN II non certifié

Responsabilité sociétale des entreprises (RSE)

Note obtenue

Détails de son évaluation

Répartition des scores globaux

RSE non certifié

Bilan Carbone® (démarche RSE)

Année 2020

Émissions totales

2 371 t CO2e

Energie (émissions directes)
90,64 %
Energie (émissions indirectes)
9,36 %
0 %
Produits achetés
0 %
Produits vendus
0 %
0 %

Le Bilan GES (ou BEGES) est une évaluation officielle de la quantité annuelle de gaz à effet de serre émise par les activités d'une entreprise. Il utilise une classification prédéfinie que l'on appelle les scopes.

Scope 1
90,64 %
Scope 2
9,36 %
Scope 3
0 %

Avis Davey Bickford (0)

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Dirigeants Davey Bickford (6)

  • Enaex Europe


    2020 - Présent

    En poste
  • Ernst & Young et Autres

    Commissaire aux comptes titulaire

    2015 - Présent

    En poste
  • Opus 3.14 Audit et Conseil

    Commissaire aux comptes titulaire

    2015 - Présent

    En poste
  • Auditex

    Commissaire aux comptes suppléant

    2015 - Présent

    En poste
  • Beas

    Commissaire aux comptes suppléant

    2015 - Présent

    En poste
  • Davey Bickford Smith


    2015 - Présent


Employé Davey Bickford (1)

  • Loic V.

    Apprenti ingenieur production

    **************@****************ex.com PRO

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Chiffre d'affaires, bilans Davey Bickford (8)

Durée de l'exercice comptable : 12 mois

Comptes saisis avec des incohérences selon l'INPI

Chiffre d'affaires

116,8 M€

17,4 %

Résultat net

9,8 M€

-8,8 %

Capacité d'autofinancement

11,7 M€

-14,2 %

Vous voulez le détail des comptes ?

Inscrivez-vous et téléchargez le bilan et le compte de résultat des comptes sociaux déposés en 2023 par Davey Bickford

Télécharger les comptes

Chiffres clés

Chiffre d'affaires

116,8 M€

17,4 %

Le chiffre d'affaires s'est considérablement accru sur cet exercice.

Résultat net

9,8 M€

-8,8 %

Capacité d'autofinancement

11,7 M€

-14,2 %

La CAF dégagée par l'entreprise est en adéquation avec son volume de ventes.

Taille du bilan

132,3 M€

8,6 %

Fonds propres

100,2 M€

10,9 %

L'entreprise présente des fonds propres très solides pour son niveau d'activité.

Trésorerie nette

18,9 M€

43,4 %

L'entreprise n'a aucun problème de trésorerie car elle n'a besoin que de 74% de son fonds de roulement pour financer ses besoins de court terme.

Ratios financiers

Rendement des fonds propres

12,3 %

-19,2 %

Les fonds propres engagés par les actionnaires sont rentables.

Equilibre financier

175,4 %

Autonomie financière

75,7 %

2,1 %

Le montant des fonds propres par rapport au passif total de cette entreprise la place parmi les mieux capitalisées.

Liquidité générale


-12,3 %

Délai moyen clients

90 jours

Le stock de créances clients paraît un peu élevé, rapporté au chiffre d'affaires, si l'on suppose celui-ci bien réparti sur l'année.

Délai moyen fournisseurs

48 jours

-5,9 %

Les délais de paiement des factures des fournisseurs sont en apparence conformes à la loi LME.

Score financier


Accédez au score financier

Vérifiez et anticipez le risque de défaillance de vos clients, fournisseurs et partenaires.

En savoir plus

Liens capitalistiques


Accédez aux liens capitalistiques

Découvrez la structure du groupe auquel appartient cette entreprise : tête de groupe, actionnaire majoritaire et filiales.

En savoir plus

Annonces légales (31)

  • Dépôt des comptes

    21 mai 2024

    L'entreprise a remis ses comptes annuels et rapports (la date de clôture est fixée au 31/12/2023) au greffe du tribunal.

  • Dépôt des comptes

    12 sept. 2023

    L'entreprise a remis ses comptes annuels et rapports (la date de clôture est fixée au 31/12/2022) au greffe du tribunal.

  • Modification

    29 juin 2022

    L'administration de DAVEY BICKFORD est modifiée comme suit :
    modification du Président ENAEX EUROPE.

  • Dépôt des comptes

    28 juin 2022

    L'entreprise a remis ses comptes annuels et rapports (la date de clôture est fixée au 31/12/2021) au greffe du tribunal.

  • Dépôt des comptes

    8 juil. 2021

    L'entreprise a remis ses comptes annuels et rapports (la date de clôture est fixée au 31/12/2020) au greffe du tribunal.

  • Dépôt des comptes

    3 juil. 2020

    L'entreprise a remis ses comptes annuels et rapports (la date de clôture est fixée au 31/12/2019) au greffe du tribunal.

  • Modification

    19 févr. 2020

    L'administration de DAVEY BICKFORD est modifiée comme suit :
    Président partant : DAVEY BICKFORD SMITH ; nomination du Président : HBE.

  • Dépôt des comptes

    23 août 2019

    L'entreprise a remis ses comptes annuels et rapports (la date de clôture est fixée au 31/12/2018) au greffe du tribunal.

  • Dépôt des comptes

    10 juin 2018

    L'entreprise a remis ses comptes annuels et rapports (la date de clôture est fixée au 31/12/2017) au greffe du tribunal.

  • Dépôt des comptes

    7 août 2017

    L'entreprise a remis ses comptes annuels et rapports (la date de clôture est fixée au 31/12/2016) au greffe du tribunal.

  • Vous voulez voir toutes les annonces légales ?

    Créez un compte pour accéder à l'ensemble des données sur cette entreprise.

Marques déposées (28)


    3 mai 1984

    3 mai 2034

    Marque renouvelée


    13 févr. 2024

    13 févr. 2034

    Marque enregistrée


    22 déc. 2022

    22 déc. 2032

    Marque enregistrée


    3 août 2012

    3 août 2032

    Marque renouvelée


    2 août 2022

    2 août 2032

    Marque enregistrée


    26 juil. 2012

    26 juil. 2032

    Marque renouvelée


    14 juin 2002

    14 juin 2032

    Marque renouvelée


    1 avr. 1992

    1 avr. 2032

    Marque renouvelée

  • SynchroBlast

    9 mars 2012

    9 mars 2032

    Marque renouvelée


    22 sept. 2011

    22 sept. 2031

    Marque renouvelée


    19 févr. 2021

    19 févr. 2031

    Marque enregistrée

    db. daveyline

    28 mars 2000

    28 mars 2030

    Marque renouvelée


    27 févr. 2020

    27 févr. 2030

    Marque enregistrée


    26 juil. 2019

    26 juil. 2029

    Marque enregistrée


    27 mars 1997

    27 mars 2027

    Marque renouvelée


    14 nov. 2016

    14 nov. 2026

    Marque enregistrée


    21 oct. 2016

    21 oct. 2026

    Marque enregistrée


    6 oct. 2016

    6 oct. 2026

    Marque enregistrée


    10 avr. 1986

    10 avr. 2026

    Marque renouvelée


    10 avr. 1986

    10 avr. 2026

    Marque renouvelée


    28 mars 1995

    28 mars 2025

    Marque renouvelée


    6 sept. 2013

    6 sept. 2023

    Marque enregistrée


    21 sept. 2007

    21 sept. 2017

    Marque expirée


    5 nov. 1987

    5 nov. 2007

    Marque expirée


    10 avr. 1986

    10 avr. 2006

    Marque expirée


    17 déc. 1985

    17 déc. 2005

    Marque expirée


    3 mai 1984

    3 mai 2004

    Marque expirée


    3 mai 1984

    3 mai 2004

    Marque expirée

Répartition par classe des marques

Classe principale

La catégorie la plus utilisée est la classe 13, à savoir "Armes à feu, munitions et projectiles".

ClassesNb de marques
13 20
09 13
42 12
37 4
06 1

Adresse Davey Bickford (1)

  • Siret : 72050141000024 (siège social)


    le Moulin Gaspard 89550 Héry

    Fabrication de produits explosifs (2051Z)

    500 à 999

    Siret : 72050141000016


    37 rue Saint Maur 76000 Rouen

    6 juin 2006

Blog Davey Bickford (42)

  • 05 juin 2019

    Will Solar Power Change Mining and METS Companies?

    Solar power finds its technological origins in the late 19th century, and the first solar cells were brought to market in 1953. It’s only in recent years, however, that solar has become a viable investment for commercial mining and other energy-intensive industries.The facts speak for themselves:...

  • 29 mai 2019

    The Power of the Board: How Mining Leaders Are Changing

    An old proverb says that vision without action is a daydream, while action without vision is a nightmare. For so many METS and mining companies, this relationship between action and vision is driven in large part by a board of directors. These are the folks who provide executive oversight, making...

  • 25 février 2019

    Areas of the Mine Where Partnership Matters Most

    The role of partnership in the mining industry has changed through time. Great collaborations have been responsible for some of the biggest breakthroughs of the past, but the value of proprietary knowledge has led many mining and METS companies to keep collaborative efforts at arms’ length. Shari...

  • 16 janvier 2019

    5 Problems Electronic Blasting Experts Can Solve

    In a new landscape where efficiency is the gold standard, mining leaders across the world are looking to decrease inputs, increase outputs, and raise the level on safety. Questions are also swirling around social license and the environment. Taken together, these challenges can seem overwhelming ...

  • 09 janvier 2019

    Innovation Isn’t Just About Technology

    The word “innovation” comes from two simple linguistic roots meaning “into” and “new.” But if you dig deeper into the etymology of that word, you’ll find it’s not actually about creating something new. It’s more about changing something that was already there. Most of the recent conversation in t...

  • 02 janvier 2019

    5 Fears of the Modern Mining Professional

    No industry is altogether free from uncertainty, but mining professionals are challenged with a unique set of concerns. Some of these are related to growing pains of the past. Some are linked to radical projections for the future. The industry itself is composed of organisations, teams, and indiv...

  • 29 août 2018

    Mining Supply Chains Can and Will Be Tightened: Here’s How

    Our work at Davey Bickford Enaex is ultimately centered on the optimisation of workflows. When our Global Technical Solutions (GTS) experts configure next-generation blasting designs to individual mining sites, the immediate result is smarter and more controlled shots. The real benefit comes late...

  • 15 août 2018

    A.I. Metals Mining, What Does the Future Hold?

    There are perfectly good reasons why the forward march of technology draws a mixed reaction from the Australian mining community. What is 3-D modeling but the effort toward decreased human input? What are automatous vehicles but the obsolescence of human drivers? Will skilled human workers be pus...

  • 08 août 2018

    Why Mining Needs Cross-Pollination of Technology

    When the North American Space Agency (NASA) began using microelectronic transistors to develop tiny cameras in the 1990s, they were looking for lighter and cheaper ways to take pictures in outer space. There weren’t thinking about dental health, or about the discomfort and limitations of traditio...

  • 01 août 2018

    Inspired By the FIFA World Cup: What Football and the Mining Industry Have in Common

    “Perfect partners don’t exist. Perfect conditions exist for a limited time in which partnerships express themselves best.” These are the words of Wayne Rooney, former captain of England’s national football team. In his line of work, the smallest mechanical details of attack and defence can have a...

  • 01 août 2018

    After The Conference: Your How-To Guide on Making the Most of Your Conference Experience

    For three days, some of the brightest leaders in the Australian mining industry converged on Mackay Showground for the Queensland Mining and Events Expo (QME) with a mandate to share knowledge, establish personal connections, and explore solutions to some of the industry’s toughest problems. The ...

  • 25 juillet 2018

    Why Networking Will Be Your Key to Success at QME 2018

    As we embark on day two of the Queensland Mining Expo (QME) in Mackay this week, we’re putting a fair amount of thought into networking. Rarely does so much expertise – and so much potential for collaboration – converge on a single location. The event also comes at a dramatic moment for Australia...

  • 17 juillet 2018

    Why Preparation is Key: Making the Most of Your Industry Conference Experience

    It’s no secret that professional conferences can benefit your company and your career. Nor is it a secret that they can, in some cases, be a waste of time and money. Measuring ROI for attendance is a hot topic, and detailed formulas have been proposed – but to get the most out of the forthcoming ...

  • 13 juillet 2018

    Mining’s Next Horizon: Why We All Need to be Looking Ahead

    The mining industry has a long and colourful history; but we have never seen a moment like this. Economic and environmental pressures have clarified the need for greater efficiency – and better stewardship – in mining the world’s ore. Meanwhile, quantum leaps in technology have brought previously...

  • 05 juillet 2018

    Why Finding the Community-Oriented Approach to Mining Ore is Vital to Business

    The mining boom that came at the turn of the millennium was good for the Australian economy – that much is obvious. By 2013, mining activities had increased per capita income by 13% according to a report from Minerals Council of Australia. Wages increased. Unemployment fell. Communities thrived.T...

  • 29 juin 2018

    Why Mental Health Matters in Mining

    Back in 2007, the Australian Bureau of Statistics released its National Survey of Mental Health and Well-being. According to the data collected, one out of every five Australian adults experience a mental health challenge in a given twelve-month period. Three categories of mental illness were inc...

  • 20 juin 2018

    How Far Has Blasting in Mining Really Come in 400 Years?

    It was nearly four centuries ago, in a small Hungarian town, that gunpowder was first used to break rocks for the express purpose of mining ore. Not much is known about the logistics of the operation, or how successful it was. Up until that point, gunpowder was used mostly in warfare. Its applica...

  • 13 juin 2018

    In Modern Mining, Sustainability is More Than Just a Word

    In the past, sustainability in mining was a game of minimum requirements. Operators did what was necessary to satisfy government regulations and retain a license to mine ore. Beyond that, sustainability and profit were two different animals. One sounded nice; the other got results.In the present,...

  • 06 juin 2018

    Where do you sit on the Hierarchy of Hazard Controls? Let’s Talk About Safety in Commercial Mining

    For anyone who works in a mine, or has a loved one in the field, it’s obvious that productivity should never come at the cost of safety. Finding innovative ways to boost productivity while decreasing risk – that’s how true progress is made.The evolution of safety in mining is long and storied. So...

  • 30 mai 2018

    In the Global Mining Industry, What Is Expertise Worth?

    General medical practitioners solve an awful lot of problems, and we can all be grateful for them. But when a specific issue needs to be addressed, it makes more sense to see an osteopath, or a dermatologist, or whatever it is. That’s because specialists have spent a lot more time and energy on t...

  • 24 mai 2018

    Why Productivity Has Fallen in the Global Mining Industry

    Steve Jobs liked to remind people that when the first Mac was released, IBM was spending a hundred times more than Apple on research and development. His point was that innovation isn’t driven by money. It’s driven by people, leadership and vision. When those colorful iMac G3 computers came along...

  • 16 mai 2018

    Fully-Automated Mines: Science Fiction or Reality?

    One of the most interesting things about a film like Terminator is that we can sort of imagine it happening in real life. Given how quickly technology has progressed over the last few decades, the idea of robots becoming self-aware and malignant is not impossible. In fact, prominent scientists (i...

  • 09 mai 2018

    Should Mining Companies Diversify? The Case For and Against.

    How would the world change if mining industry came to a halt? Who would be affected? Would certain industries be turned upside down? The answers to these questions are too elaborate and far-reaching to cover in a single blog post – but the short version is that everything would change. Ore is one...

  • 02 mai 2018

    How Digital Solutions will Change Mining as We Know It

    “Knowledge,” said the British mathematician Jacob Bronowski, “is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty.” It’s a good-looking quote, but does it apply to commercial mining?Let’s see. The entire evolution of our industry has centered on addressing uncertainty and trying to make the unkno...

  • 25 avril 2018

    Welcome to the Age of Super-efficient Mines

    Historically speaking, the biggest innovations in our industry were multi-dimensional. They allowed for increased output, sure – but they also made operations safer and more sustainable. The first modern safety fuse, invented by William Bickford in 1831, is a prime example. He witnessed not only ...

  • 18 avril 2018

    The Cost Savings Metrics of Electronic Blasting

    Charles Darwin once said it’s “not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the most responsive to change.”One glance at the modern world is enough to see how right he was — but the rules of biology and the rules of industry are not exactly the same. In biology, yo...

  • 11 avril 2018

    Where Do Mines Lose the Most Money?

    If mainstream news is all you’ve got to go on, the last several years have not been kind to the mining industry. Most of the stories have been about tragic accidents, the falling price of commodities, the end of a boom cycle, the slashing of jobs and restructuring of operations. Many of the mines...

  • 04 avril 2018

    Underground Mining: What Does the Future Hold?

    Underground mines have been around since ancient Egypt, and they continue to challenge many a mining engineer. The process can be slow and constrained, with a litany of unique safety and environmental concerns.In 2018, open cut mines are still the most abundant on earth – but the scales are slowl...

  • 28 mars 2018

    Why Communication and Ethical Practice Go Beyond the Brand

    The historical rap sheet against captains of industry is long and unsavory. There was a time when you get could away with just about anything. At times, companies didn’t know what they were doing wrong (lead paint is a perfect example) — but more often, there was a lack of oversight and standards...

  • 21 mars 2018

    How Modern Mining Feeds Technological Growth

    The fruits of commercial mining are all around us. You can walk down the street and point to hundreds – even thousands – of examples. The cars we drive, the smartphones we use, even the zips on our pants. All of it came from a mine somewhere. Try to cook a meal, take a vacation, or get your work ...

  • 13 mars 2018

    Pyrotechnics are the Past: Here's Why

    The first historical record of black powder being used to blast rocks dates back to the 17th century in Hungary. In the two centuries that followed, some of the most talented scientific minds devoted their energies to refining and improving the use of powder in mining and construction application...

  • 07 mars 2018

    Changing the Stigma of Modern Mining

    Back in 2014, the Bloomberg News Agency ran an article on International Women in Mining (IWIM), an organization aimed at networking and advocacy for women in the mining industry. It talked about the impressive strides in doing away with the “boys club” mentality, building a more updated and inclu...

  • 28 février 2018

    Simple Do’s and Dont’s for blasting in Modern Mining

    If you sit down with someone who knows nothing at all about commercial mining, and ask whether they think the job is simple or complex, what do you think the answer will be? A few might say it’s not so hard, but the majority will err on the side of complexity. That majority — as those of us who w...

  • 21 février 2018

    Can You Save $10m Per Year with Smart Drilling and Blasting?

    At first it was smart phones and televisions. Then came thermostats, lighting systems, watches. Now we’re hearing about cars, buildings and even clothing. Everything is getting ‘smart’ these days — technology is hard at work to make life easier. But these innovations aren’t just about convenience...

  • 14 février 2018

    Accidents Happen - But Do They Have To?

    When you think about innovations that made the world a safer place, what comes to mind? You could mention automotive inventions like seatbelts, airbags and anti-lock brakes. Or you could look to the world of medicine, where landmark discoveries like penicillin altered the course of history. You c...

  • 07 février 2018

    Will Ore Become More Difficult to Mine Than Bitcoins?

    The idea that virtual materials could be mined in the virtual world — and that these materials could hold real value — sounds like something out of a science fiction story. Mining has always been a material pursuit, wherein raw materials are taken out of the earth and used to drive countless sect...

  • 31 janvier 2018

    Why the Right People are Key to Mining Strategy

    The history of commercial mining is one of innovation, creativity and necessity. It’s a history of tough lessons and breakthrough moments. We can point to a few of the most exciting and meaningful inventions that changed the industry — such as the invention of dynamite by Alfred Nobel in 1866, or...

  • 18 décembre 2017

    Connecting the Blast with Downstream Operations: Why Communication is Key

    At what point during the average mining operation is the greatest amount of money lost? For those of us who work in the industry, the importance of this question can never be overstated. If you ask around, you’ll hear a few different opinions — but the discussion around drilling and blasting will...

  • 13 novembre 2017

    Real World Minecraft: This is No Videogame

    Minecraft is a globally popular video game in which players gather resources and build things. It sounds simplistic, but millions of users spend countless hours mining virtual materials and making things out of them. There’s something called creative mode, where you have endless resources and the...

  • 06 novembre 2017

    What Can Geological Mining Learn from Data Mining?

    The world’s data supply is growing all the time, and that’s putting it lightly. The truth is, it’s a data deluge. Individuals are looking for ways to mitigate their digital habits and get back to real world interactions. Businesses, too, are feeling the effects of too much information. As compani...

  • 30 octobre 2017

    The Prodigal Client

    The Prodigal Client is a common story, regardless of the trade you’re in. You might already know it by heart. Your business relationship with a client is humming along like a well-oiled machine. Established, stable, productive. Goals are met, results delivered. You think your offerings are right ...

  • 01 mai 2017

    Winner at 2013 Rio Tinto Best Suppliers Awards

    In 2013 Davey Bickford Australia won the award for Rio Tinto Iron Ore’s Supplier Recognition Programme 2013 within the Goods Category. This is an exceptional achievement we are still very proud of today.The awards are now in their 18th Year and seek to motivate a joint effort to improve the suppl...

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