Artsana France300882032 Chicco Prenatal

Raison d'être : Non renseignée Non renseignée

17 avenue de la Metallurgie (17 a 19) 93200 Saint-Denis

Indice de confiance

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Chiffre d'affaires 2023

22 M€




Effectif 2021

20 à 49


50 ans



Commerce de gros de biens domestiques

À propos

Page Officielle Chicco France. Depuis toujours, notre mission est d’être proche des parents et des enfants, avec toute notre passion et nos compétences.Source : Facebook

Là où il y a un enfant. Depuis 1958. 👶
Découvrez notre nouveau berceau cododo Chicco Next2Me Magic :Source : Instagram

Chicco is the multispecialist brand in the baby care sector, with over 50 years of experience.
Our mission is to make a baby smile, helping mums and dads in their baby's growth journey, providing safe solutions which are designed to meet the demands of babies as they progress through the growth phases.

Chicco experience in the baby care world, has been consolidated by the Osservatorio Chicco, an institution dedicated to increasing our knowledge of children from 0 to 36 months of age and their psycho-physical, emotional and social needs.Source : Youtube

Chicco vous propose des gammes de poussettes, berceaux, sièges auto, chaises hautes, produit d'allaitement et jouets pour accompagner chacun de vos moments avec bébé !Source : Site web

Puériculture et hygiène, l'achat, la vente, l'importation, l'exportation, la représentation et éventuellement la fabrication de tous articles et produits de puériculture et d'hygiène et plus particulièrement tous jouets, vêtements pour enfants, chaussures, articles et vêtements pour futures maman tous produits et articles d'hygiène y compris les produits et articles de parfumerie et de cosmétologie.Source : BODACC

La société Artsana France a implantée son établissement principal à Saint-Denis. Pendant l'année 2021, il y avait 20 à 49 salariés à l'intérieur de cette entreprise. Le SIREN correspondant à cette société est le numéro 300882032. L'entreprise Artsana France a un indice de confiance de 95 sur 100, cet indice est établi grâce à de nombreux paramètres. Durant l'année 2007, le montant du capital social de cette structure s'élevait à 3160000 euros. La société est en activité depuis 50 ans. Artsana France a en ce moment pour Président Paolo Fietta. L'entreprise exerce dans le commerce en gros de biens domestiques, le code NAF associé est 4649Z. Cette société a pour numéro de TVA : FR95300882032. Cette structure est présente sur le web : elle dispose d'une page Facebook. Le nom de cette dernière est chiccocompanyfrance et son nombre de likes est de 21000000.

Fiche d'identité

  1. Type Société par actions simplifiée (SAS)
  2. Date de création 01/01/1974
  3. Effectif 20 à 49 (2021)
  4. Capital social 3.160.000€ (2007) (Source RCS)
  5. Chiffre d'affaires 22 M€ (2023)
  6. TVA intercommunautaire FR95300882032
  7. Numéro de SIREN 300882032
  8. Code NAF Commerce de gros (commerce interentreprises) d'autres biens domestiques (4649Z)
  9. Statut SIRENE Active
  10. Statut RCS Immatriculée (20/07/2007)


Site web

Site internet de Artsana France

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Obligations de vigilance

{[{ item.title }]}

Statut du dossier d'obligations de vigilance

Le dossier de la société {[{company.usedName}]} est complet.

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Loi SAPIN II (encadrant la corruption)

SAPIN II non certifié

Responsabilité sociétale des entreprises (RSE)

Note obtenue

Détails de son évaluation

Répartition des scores globaux

RSE non certifié

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Avis Artsana France (0)

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Dirigeants Artsana France (7)

Âge moyen des dirigeants

58 ANS

Durée moyenne de mandat

4 ANs 1 MOIS


  • Paolo Fietta


    2024 - Présent

    En poste
  • Michele Lerici


    2016 - Présent

    En poste
  • Alvaro Rivera d'Checo


    2024 - Présent

    En poste
  • Corrado Colombo


    2024 - Présent

    En poste
  • Danilo Lamera


    2018 - Présent

    En poste
  • Pietro Suardi


    2016 - Présent

    En poste
  • Ernst & Young Audit

    Commissaire aux comptes titulaire


    En poste

Employés Artsana France (6)

  • Clément C.

    Business Process Manager

    ********@**** PRO

  • Laure C.

    Lead Genius

    *******@**** PRO

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Chiffre d'affaires, bilans Artsana France (8)

Durée de l'exercice comptable : 12 mois

Chiffre d'affaires

22 M€

-22,7 %

Résultat net

-3,4 M€

-78,6 %

Capacité d'autofinancement

-3,2 M€

-73,3 %

Vous voulez le détail des comptes ?

Inscrivez-vous et téléchargez le bilan et le compte de résultat des comptes sociaux déposés en 2023 par Artsana France

Télécharger les comptes

Chiffres clés

Chiffre d'affaires

22 M€

-22,7 %

Les ventes sont en fort recul par rapport à l'exercice précédent.

Résultat net

-3,4 M€

-78,6 %

Capacité d'autofinancement

-3,2 M€

-73,3 %

L'activité de l'entreprise ne rapporte pas suffisamment de recettes pour couvrir les dépenses d'exploitation.

Taille du bilan

8,2 M€

-15,6 %

Fonds propres

-3,2 M€

1 538,2 %

Le montant des fonds propres est bas relativement au chiffre d'affaires.

Trésorerie nette

890,4 k€

-46,2 %

L'entreprise est sans fonds de roulement, toutefois la ressource générée par l'exploitation (BFR négatif) lui assure une trésorerie qui reste positive.

Ratios financiers

Rendement des fonds propres

-1 534 %

-1 636,9 %

La valeur de rendement des fonds propres est à interpréter avec précaution car ceux-ci sont négatifs.

Equilibre financier

-246,7 %

Autonomie financière

-38,7 %

-1 805 %

Les fonds propres sont négatifs : la valeur des dettes dépasse celle de l'actif net.

Liquidité générale


-28,9 %

Délai moyen clients

95 jours

À la date d'arrêté des comptes, les créances clients représentent plus de 3 mois de chiffre d'affaires, ce qui est excessif.

Délai moyen fournisseurs

128 jours

62 %

Sous l'hypothèse que les achats de l'entreprise sont uniformément répartis sur l'année, le délai de paiement moyen calculé est très supérieur à la norme définie par la loi LME.

Score financier


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Liens capitalistiques


Accédez aux liens capitalistiques

Découvrez la structure du groupe auquel appartient cette entreprise : tête de groupe, actionnaire majoritaire et filiales.

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Contentieux Artsana France (1)


Accédez aux contentieux

Vérifiez et anticipez le risque juridique lié à vos clients, fournisseurs et partenaires.

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Annonces légales (34)

  • Modification

    6 déc. 2024

    ARTSANA FRANCE a renouvelé tout ou partie de ses dirigeants ou de son administration. Celle-ci devient :
    Président, Administrateur : GILARDINI Niccolo ; Administrateur : COLOMBO Corrado, Angelo ; Administrateur : RIVERA D'CHECO Alvaro ; Commissaire aux comptes titulaire : ERNST & YOUNG AUDIT.

  • Dépôt des comptes

    7 mai 2024

    L'entreprise a enregistré ses comptes annuels et rapports, clos au 31/12/2023, auprès du tribunal de commerce ou d'instance.

  • Modification

    12 sept. 2023

    ARTSANA FRANCE a renouvelé tout ou partie de ses dirigeants ou de son administration. Celle-ci devient :
    Président, Administrateur : FIETTA Paolo ; Administrateur : COLOMBO Corrado, Angelo ; Administrateur : RIVERA D'CHECO Alvaro ; Commissaire aux comptes titulaire : ERNST & YOUNG AUDIT.

  • Modification

    8 août 2023

    ARTSANA FRANCE a renouvelé tout ou partie de ses dirigeants ou de son administration. Celle-ci devient :
    Président, Administrateur : FIETTA Paolo ; Administrateur : BOSSI Maurizio ; Administrateur : COLOMBO Corrado, Angelo ; Commissaire aux comptes titulaire : ERNST & YOUNG AUDIT.

  • Modification

    8 août 2023

    ARTSANA FRANCE a renouvelé tout ou partie de ses dirigeants ou de son administration. Celle-ci devient :
    Président, Administrateur : LERICI Michele  Administrateur : BOSSI Maurizio  Administrateur : COLOMBO Corrado, Angelo  Commissaire aux comptes titulaire : ERNST & YOUNG AUDIT.

  • Dépôt des comptes

    3 août 2023

    L'entreprise a enregistré ses comptes annuels et rapports, clos au 31/12/2022, auprès du tribunal de commerce ou d'instance.

  • Dépôt des comptes

    15 mai 2022

    L'entreprise a enregistré ses comptes annuels et rapports, clos au 31/12/2021, auprès du tribunal de commerce ou d'instance.

  • Dépôt des comptes

    13 juin 2021

    L'entreprise a enregistré ses comptes annuels et rapports, clos au 31/12/2020, auprès du tribunal de commerce ou d'instance.

  • Dépôt des comptes

    10 juil. 2020

    L'entreprise a enregistré ses comptes annuels et rapports, clos au 31/12/2019, auprès du tribunal de commerce ou d'instance.

  • Modification

    9 juil. 2020

    ARTSANA FRANCE a renouvelé tout ou partie de ses dirigeants ou de son administration. Celle-ci devient :
    Président, Administrateur : LERICI Michele  Administrateur : SUARDI Pietro  Administrateur : LAMERA Danilo  Commissaire aux comptes titulaire : ERNST & YOUNG AUDIT.

  • Vous voulez voir toutes les annonces légales ?

    Créez un compte pour accéder à l'ensemble des données sur cette entreprise.

Adresse Artsana France (1)

  • Siret : 30088203200075 (siège social)


    17 avenue de la Metallurgie (17 a 19) 93200 Saint-Denis

    Commerce de gros (commerce interentreprises) d'autres biens domestiques (4649Z)

    1 août 2007

    20 à 49

    Siret : 30088203200083


    30 rue des Vignes 85110 Sigournais

    Commerce de gros (commerce interentreprises) de produits pharmaceutiques (4646Z)

    1 déc. 2013

    31 déc. 2015

  • Tutto Chicco - Siret : 30088203200067


    rue Pierre Mendes France (Centre Commercial) 44230 Saint-Sébastien-sur-Loire

    19 oct. 1990

    25 déc. 1992

    Tutto Chicco - Siret : 30088203200059


    30 avenue d'Italie (Ctre Commerc Galaxie Nivea) 75013 Paris

    21 juin 1990

    31 août 1993

  • Tutto Chicco - Siret : 30088203200042


    Ctre Commercial St Jacques 57000 Metz

    12 juin 1990

    2 mars 1992

    Tutto Chicco - Siret : 30088203200034


    Centre Cial les 4 Temps 92800 Puteaux

    1 mai 1989

    25 déc. 1994

  • Siret : 30088203200026


    rue Gay Lussac (ZI Mitry Compans) 77290 Mitry-Mory

    9 févr. 1987

    1 août 2007

Trafic du site web

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Évaluez l'empreinte digitale de cette entreprise et son évolution grâce aux statistiques sur son trafic mensuel, ses sources du trafic, le temps passé par les internautes, etc.

En savoir plus

Réseaux sociaux Artsana France (3)

Vidéos Artsana France (50)

  • Baby Prof – Gioco – Chicco (Italiano) - 15''

    11 nov. 2019

  • Rocky La Batteria – Gioco – Chicco (Italiano) - 15''

    11 nov. 2019

  • Chicco Next2Me Magic - Sommeil et Détente - Chicco (Français) - 15s

    20 déc. 2019

  • Goody - Escalier - Chicco (Français)

    23 déc. 2019

  • Treno dell’Avventura – Gioco – Chicco (Italiano) - 15''

    11 nov. 2019

  • Chicco Next2Me Magic - Sommeil et Détente - Chicco (Français) - 20s

    20 déc. 2019

  • Zabawka muzyczna Songy Karaoke z efektem głosu potwora - Chicco (Polski)

    6 nov. 2019

    Fantastyczna, kreatywna zabawka dla małych miłośników muzyki. Songy rejestruje głos i odtwarza go w potworrrrrnym zniekształceniu. Niesamowita, wielogodzinna zabawa! Sprawdź sam! Więcej:

  • Goody - Parking - Chicco (Français)

    23 déc. 2019

  • DJ Scratchy - konsola małego muzyka, który kocha mixować i skreczować - Chicco (Polski)

    6 nov. 2019

    Skreczuj jak prawdziwy DJ! Stwórz swoje własne kompozycje na konsoli DJ Scratchy! Wybierz melodię, dodaj kilka dźwięków i przyspiesz lub spowolnij rytm melodii. Wybieraj pomiędzy 2 trybami gry, 4 stylami i 8 melodiami, przy i baw się dobrze z trzema światłami, które zmieniają kolory. 2 poziomy głośności zabawki. Więcej:

  • Baby Prof PL/EN - edukacyjna zabawka językowa - Chicco (Polski)

    6 nov. 2019

    Baby Prof jest elektroniczną edukacyjną zabawką językową do wspierania dziecka w jego pierwszych próbach poznawania alfabetu. To pierwsze litery, pierwsze słowa i wstęp do nauki czytania w języku polskim i angielskim. Literki 3D przyporządkowane do sympatycznych zwierzątek, pomagają dziecku utrwalić alfabet, pomagając w późniejszej nauce czytania. Literki można również wyjąć z zabawki i pomieszać, a następnie próbować prawidowo przyporządkować. Zadanie ułatwią otwory w zabawce, do których pasują tylko określone literki! Zabawka inspirowana jest metodą Montessori. Więcej:

  • Miś okazujący uczucia PL/EN - zabawka językowa - Chicco (Polski)

    6 nov. 2019

    Emocje to dla dzieci wielkie wyzwanie. Pomóż dziecku je zrozumieć i oswoić. Po polsku i po angielsku! Miś okazujący uczucia to interaktywny sprzymierzeniec dzieci, w trudnej sztuce oswajania emocji. Miś opowiada proste, działające na wyobraźnię historie, a następnie określa konkretne emocje im towarzyszące. Rodzice mogą odpowiednio moderować naukę poprzez zabawę. Zabawka działa w dwóch trybach, przeznaczona jest dla dzieci w wieku już od 6. miesięca aż do 5 roku życia. Dla maluchów jest pomocny w poznawaniu liczb od 1 do 10, natomiast dla starszych dzieci opowiada 10 historii, które pomagają dziecku rozpoznawać gesty, zdania i kolory oraz powiązać je z emocjami. Zabawka działa języku polskim i angielskim! Poziom dźwięku można regulować. Więcej:

  • Chicco Gentle Body Wash and Shampoo – For Everyday Moments Of Care-Kannada version 20 sec

    9 déc. 2019

    Chicco baby moments is a complete line of delicate and dermatologically tested products with parabens free formula, to take care of your baby's delicate skin every day. Thanks to, Chicco Baby moments Gentle Body Wash and Shampoo which comes with the goodness of rich oat extract and glycerine, which gently cleanses, moisturizes and softens the baby's delicate hair and skin from the very first moments. For everyday moments of care, choose Chicco Baby Moments. Subscribe on Chicco Youtube Channel: Since 1958 Chicco has been offering safe and specific solutions to accompany parents on their journey across their children’s day-by-day growth from birth on. Throughout the years, we have stood by moms and dads to provide simple and efficient solutions to their questions. We have been able to build a constant dialogue with them, as well as with experts in the medical field thanks to the Chicco Observatory, to pursue our quest for innovation. Today, Chicco is one of the top 10 Italian consumer brands in the world and is present in over 120 countries with the same passion and objectives that triggered its creation 60 years ago: to be wherever there’s a baby. Follow Chicco online! Visit our web site: Follow Chicco on Facebook: Follow Chicco on Instagram:

  • Chicco Body Lotion – For Everyday Moments Of Care-Kannada version 20 sec

    9 déc. 2019

    Chicco baby moments is a complete line of delicate and dermatologically tested products with parabens free formula, to take care of your baby's delicate skin every day. Thanks to, Chicco Baby moments Body Lotion which comes with the goodness of natural Almond milk and Illipe butter to moisturise baby’s skin, making it wonderfully smooth and soft. Moreover,It's special Non-greasy & quick absorption properties makes it's ideal for use to deeply nourish baby's skin from the very first moments. For everyday moments of care, choose Chicco Baby Moments. Subscribe on Chicco Youtube Channel: Since 1958 Chicco has been offering safe and specific solutions to accompany parents on their journey across their children’s day-by-day growth from birth on. Throughout the years, we have stood by moms and dads to provide simple and efficient solutions to their questions. We have been able to build a constant dialogue with them, as well as with experts in the medical field thanks to the Chicco Observatory, to pursue our quest for innovation. Today, Chicco is one of the top 10 Italian consumer brands in the world and is present in over 120 countries with the same passion and objectives that triggered its creation 60 years ago: to be wherever there’s a baby. Follow Chicco online! Visit our web site: Follow Chicco on Facebook: Follow Chicco on Instagram:

  • Passeggino Goody - Parcheggio - Chicco (Italiano) - 15''

    10 déc. 2019

  • Passeggino Goody - Parcheggio - Chicco (Italiano) - 15''

    10 déc. 2019

  • Passeggino Goody - Ristorante - Chicco (Italiano) - 15''

    10 déc. 2019

  • Goody Stroller - Stairs - Chicco (English) - 15''

    2 déc. 2019

    Innovative and extraordinary folding system to really simplify your life: press the button on the handle and the stroller will fold itself. Homologated from birth till 22kgs, Goody merges comfort, functionality and design to satisfy both parents and babies. Once folded, Goody is so compact that you storage it everywhere, even in the smallest places. Subscribe on Chicco Youtube Channel: Since 1958 Chicco has been offering safe and specific solutions to accompany parents on their journey across their children’s day-by-day growth from birth on. Throughout the years, we have stood by moms and dads to provide simple and efficient solutions to their questions. We have been able to build a constant dialogue with them, as well as with experts in the medical field thanks to the Chicco Observatory, to pursue our quest for innovation. Today, Chicco is one of the top 10 Italian consumer brands in the world and is present in over 120 countries with the same passion and objectives that triggered its creation 60 years ago: to be wherever there’s a baby. Follow Chicco online! Visit our web site: Follow Chicco on Facebook: Follow Chicco on Instagram:

  • How to use Goody - Chicco - (English)

    13 déc. 2019

    Goody: the stroller that closes by itself. Homologated from birth to 22 kg, it is provided of an extraordinary closing system that, with just one movement, folds back on itself, becoming so compact that it can be easily stored everywhere. Equipped with a wide seat and premium details, Goody matches comfort, functionality and design to satisfy both parents and babies' needs. Subscribe on Chicco Youtube Channel: Since 1958 Chicco has been offering safe and specific solutions to accompany parents on their journey across their children’s day-by-day growth from birth on. Throughout the years, we have stood by moms and dads to provide simple and efficient solutions to their questions. We have been able to build a constant dialogue with them, as well as with experts in the medical field thanks to the Chicco Observatory, to pursue our quest for innovation. Today, Chicco is one of the top 10 Italian consumer brands in the world and is present in over 120 countries with the same passion and objectives that triggered its creation 60 years ago: to be wherever there’s a baby. Follow Chicco online! Visit our web site: Follow Chicco on Facebook: Follow Chicco on Instagram:

  • Goody Stroller - Out&About- Chicco (English) – 45’’

    2 déc. 2019

    Innovative and extraordinary folding system to really simplify your life: press the button on the handle and the stroller will fold itself. Homologated from birth till 22kgs, Goody merges comfort, functionality and design to satisfy both parents and babies. Once folded, Goody is so compact that you storage it everywhere, even in the smallest places. Subscribe on Chicco Youtube Channel: Since 1958 Chicco has been offering safe and specific solutions to accompany parents on their journey across their children’s day-by-day growth from birth on. Throughout the years, we have stood by moms and dads to provide simple and efficient solutions to their questions. We have been able to build a constant dialogue with them, as well as with experts in the medical field thanks to the Chicco Observatory, to pursue our quest for innovation. Today, Chicco is one of the top 10 Italian consumer brands in the world and is present in over 120 countries with the same passion and objectives that triggered its creation 60 years ago: to be wherever there’s a baby. Follow Chicco online! Visit our web site: Follow Chicco on Facebook: Follow Chicco on Instagram:

  • Discover Baby Hug 4in1 Air - Chicco

    22 nov. 2019

    Discover all the funtionalities of the new Baby Hug 4in1 Air. It is the ideal solution to manage your baby daily routine with ease from 6 to 36 months in just one squared meter. It can transform into a crib, highchair, raised recliner and table chair. Subscribe on Chicco Youtube Channel: Since 1958 Chicco has been offering safe and specific solutions to accompany parents on their journey across their children’s day-by-day growth from birth on. Throughout the years, we have stood by moms and dads to provide simple and efficient solutions to their questions. We have been able to build a constant dialogue with them, as well as with experts in the medical field thanks to the Chicco Observatory, to pursue our quest for innovation. Today, Chicco is one of the top 10 Italian consumer brands in the world and is present in over 120 countries with the same passion and objectives that triggered its creation 60 years ago: to be wherever there’s a baby. Follow Chicco online! Visit our web site: Follow Chicco on Facebook: Follow Chicco on Instagram:

  • Goody Stroller - Parking - Chicco (English) - 15''

    2 déc. 2019

    Innovative and extraordinary folding system to really simplify your life: press the button on the handle and the stroller will fold itself. Homologated from birth till 22kgs, Goody merges comfort, functionality and design to satisfy both parents and babies. Once folded, Goody is so compact that you storage it everywhere, even in the smallest places. Subscribe on Chicco Youtube Channel: Since 1958 Chicco has been offering safe and specific solutions to accompany parents on their journey across their children’s day-by-day growth from birth on. Throughout the years, we have stood by moms and dads to provide simple and efficient solutions to their questions. We have been able to build a constant dialogue with them, as well as with experts in the medical field thanks to the Chicco Observatory, to pursue our quest for innovation. Today, Chicco is one of the top 10 Italian consumer brands in the world and is present in over 120 countries with the same passion and objectives that triggered its creation 60 years ago: to be wherever there’s a baby. Follow Chicco online! Visit our web site: Follow Chicco on Facebook: Follow Chicco on Instagram:

  • Fotelik samochodowy Fold&Go i - SIZE (wzrost 100-150 cm) - Chicco (Polski)

    14 nov. 2019

    Fotelik samochodowy Fold&Go i-Size homologowany jest zgodnie z najnowszymi standardami bezpieczeństwa tj. normą i-Size (ECE R129) do przewożenia samochodem dzieci o wzroście między 100 a 150 cm. Dzięki możliwości składania jest łatwy do przenoszenia i przechowywania. Z prowadnicą pasa biodrowego, nakładką Safe Pad i Systemem Ochrony Bocznej. Więcej:

  • Collezione Scarpine Festa 2019 - Chicco (Italiano)

    28 nov. 2019

  • Collezione Scarpine Inverno 2019 - Chicco (Italiano)

    18 oct. 2019

  • Collezione Abbigliamento Halloween 2019 - Chicco (Italiano)

    18 oct. 2019

  • Collezione Abbigliamento Festa 2019 - Chicco (Italiano)

    28 nov. 2019

  • Goody Stroller - Restaurant - Chicco (English) - 15''

    2 déc. 2019

    Innovative and extraordinary folding system to really simplify your life: press the button on the handle and the stroller will fold itself. Homologated from birth till 22kgs, Goody merges comfort, functionality and design to satisfy both parents and babies. Once folded, Goody is so compact that you storage it everywhere, even in the smallest places. Subscribe on Chicco Youtube Channel: Since 1958 Chicco has been offering safe and specific solutions to accompany parents on their journey across their children’s day-by-day growth from birth on. Throughout the years, we have stood by moms and dads to provide simple and efficient solutions to their questions. We have been able to build a constant dialogue with them, as well as with experts in the medical field thanks to the Chicco Observatory, to pursue our quest for innovation. Today, Chicco is one of the top 10 Italian consumer brands in the world and is present in over 120 countries with the same passion and objectives that triggered its creation 60 years ago: to be wherever there’s a baby. Follow Chicco online! Visit our web site: Follow Chicco on Facebook: Follow Chicco on Instagram:

  • Chicco Body Lotion – For Everyday Moments Of Care-Kannada version 20 sec

    9 déc. 2019

    Chicco baby moments is a complete line of delicate and dermatologically tested products with parabens free formula, to take care of your baby's delicate skin every day. Thanks to, Chicco Baby moments Body Lotion which comes with the goodness of natural Almond milk and Illipe butter to moisturise baby’s skin, making it wonderfully smooth and soft. Moreover,It's special Non-greasy & quick absorption properties makes it's ideal for use to deeply nourish baby's skin from the very first moments. For everyday moments of care, choose Chicco Baby Moments. Subscribe on Chicco Youtube Channel: Since 1958 Chicco has been offering safe and specific solutions to accompany parents on their journey across their children’s day-by-day growth from birth on. Throughout the years, we have stood by moms and dads to provide simple and efficient solutions to their questions. We have been able to build a constant dialogue with them, as well as with experts in the medical field thanks to the Chicco Observatory, to pursue our quest for innovation. Today, Chicco is one of the top 10 Italian consumer brands in the world and is present in over 120 countries with the same passion and objectives that triggered its creation 60 years ago: to be wherever there’s a baby. Follow Chicco online! Visit our web site: Follow Chicco on Facebook: Follow Chicco on Instagram:

  • Come usare Goody - Chicco - (Italiano)

    13 déc. 2019

    Goody: il passeggino che si chiude da solo. Omologato dalla nascita fino ai 22 kg, è dotato di un sistema di chiusura straordinario che, con un solo movimento, si ripiega su sè stesso, diventando così compatto da poterlo facilmente riporre ovunque. Dotato di un'ampia seduta e dettagli premium, Goody unisce comfort, funzionalità e design per soddisfare le esigenze di genitori e bambini. Iscriviti al canale YouTube di Chicco: Dal 1958 Chicco offre soluzioni specifiche e sicure, pensate per accompagnare i genitori nello straordinario percorso di crescita dei loro bambini, giorno dopo giorno, fin dalla nascita. In questi anni siamo stati al fianco di mamme e papà per dare loro risposte semplici ed efficaci, instaurando un dialogo costante con loro e, grazie all'Osservatorio Chicco, con vari esperti anche del mondo medico scientifico, alla continua ricerca di innovazione. Oggi, Chicco è uno dei primi 10 marchi italiani di beni di largo consumo nel mondo ed è presente in oltre 120 Paesi con la stessa passione di 60 anni fa e l’obiettivo di sempre: essere dove c’è un bambino. Segui Chicco online! Visita il sito web: Segui Chicco su Facebook: Segui Chicco su Instagram:

  • Soothers PhysioForma support baby's breathing - pacifier - Chicco (English)

    18 nov. 2019

    PhysioForma is the exclusive shape of Chicco soothers that supports baby's breathing thanks to its special characteristics: Special tiny ridges: mimic the natural ridges of the palate, and serve as a point of reference to guide the tongue into the correct position. Lateral curves: evenly distributes tongue pressure across the palate, allowing it to form correctly. A thin, concave shape that points upwards: leaves room for the natural position of the tongue. Subscribe on Chicco Youtube Channel: Since 1958 Chicco has been offering safe and specific solutions to accompany parents on their journey across their children’s day-by-day growth from birth on. Throughout the years, we have stood by moms and dads to provide simple and efficient solutions to their questions. We have been able to build a constant dialogue with them, as well as with experts in the medical field thanks to the Chicco Observatory, to pursue our quest for innovation. Today, Chicco is one of the top 10 Italian consumer brands in the world and is present in over 120 countries with the same passion and objectives that triggered its creation 60 years ago: to be wherever there’s a baby. Follow Chicco online! Visit our web site: Follow Chicco on Facebook: Follow Chicco on Instagram:

  • How to use Trolley Me - Chicco - (English)

    17 déc. 2019

    Trolley Me: the stroller that can be easily transported like a trolley, with simple and intuitive gestures. Approved from birth to 15 kg, comfortable for children and very practical for parents, it can be easily transported even when closed. Equipped with a large fully reclining seat and a one-hand folding system, Trolley Me represents the perfect balance between the comfort of parents and children. Subscribe on Chicco Youtube Channel: Since 1958 Chicco has been offering safe and specific solutions to accompany parents on their journey across their children’s day-by-day growth from birth on. Throughout the years, we have stood by moms and dads to provide simple and efficient solutions to their questions. We have been able to build a constant dialogue with them, as well as with experts in the medical field thanks to the Chicco Observatory, to pursue our quest for innovation. Today, Chicco is one of the top 10 Italian consumer brands in the world and is present in over 120 countries with the same passion and objectives that triggered its creation 60 years ago: to be wherever there’s a baby. Follow Chicco online! Visit our web site: Follow Chicco on Facebook: Follow Chicco on Instagram:

  • Original Touch Natural Rubber Bottles - Chicco (English)

    25 nov. 2019

    Original Touch is the Chicco bottles range with an anti-colic 100% natural rubber teat soft and resistant. The Chicco Natural Rubber is extracted from the Hevea Brasiliensis tree with no added colourants and provide a Natural Sense texture. Subscribe on Chicco Youtube Channel: Since 1958 Chicco has been offering safe and specific solutions to accompany parents on their journey across their children’s day-by-day growth from birth on. Throughout the years, we have stood by moms and dads to provide simple and efficient solutions to their questions. We have been able to build a constant dialogue with them, as well as with experts in the medical field thanks to the Chicco Observatory, to pursue our quest for innovation. Today, Chicco is one of the top 10 Italian consumer brands in the world and is present in over 120 countries with the same passion and objectives that triggered its creation 60 years ago: to be wherever there’s a baby. Follow Chicco online! Visit our web site: Follow Chicco on Facebook: Follow Chicco on Instagram:

  • Chicco Gentle Body Wash and Shampoo – For Everyday Moments Of Care-Kannada version 10 Sec

    9 déc. 2019

    Chicco baby moments is a complete line of delicate and dermatologically tested products with parabens free formula, to take care of your baby's delicate skin every day. Thanks to, Chicco Baby moments Gentle Body Wash and Shampoo which comes with the goodness of rich oat extract and glycerine, which gently cleanses, moisturizes and softens the baby's delicate hair and skin from the very first moments. For everyday moments of care, choose Chicco Baby Moments. Subscribe on Chicco Youtube Channel: Since 1958 Chicco has been offering safe and specific solutions to accompany parents on their journey across their children’s day-by-day growth from birth on. Throughout the years, we have stood by moms and dads to provide simple and efficient solutions to their questions. We have been able to build a constant dialogue with them, as well as with experts in the medical field thanks to the Chicco Observatory, to pursue our quest for innovation. Today, Chicco is one of the top 10 Italian consumer brands in the world and is present in over 120 countries with the same passion and objectives that triggered its creation 60 years ago: to be wherever there’s a baby. Follow Chicco online! Visit our web site: Follow Chicco on Facebook: Follow Chicco on Instagram:

  • Goody - Restaurant - Chicco (Français)

    23 déc. 2019

  • Multiride, the Chicco off road second stroller! - Chicco (English)

    7 janv. 2020

    The new Chicco Multiride is the stroller that can be easily folded, just with one hand. Thanks to its off road setting and the super comfortable seat, it is the perfect companion for any adventure. Suitable from birth till 22 kg, with premium soft touch fabrics that guarantee UV50+ protection and water resistant treatment, Multiride is ideal to face out every situation. Subscribe on Chicco Youtube Channel: Since 1958 Chicco has been offering safe and specific solutions to accompany parents on their journey across their children’s day-by-day growth from birth on. Throughout the years, we have stood by moms and dads to provide simple and efficient solutions to their questions. We have been able to build a constant dialogue with them, as well as with experts in the medical field thanks to the Chicco Observatory, to pursue our quest for innovation. Today, Chicco is one of the top 10 Italian consumer brands in the world and is present in over 120 countries with the same passion and objectives that triggered its creation 60 years ago: to be wherever there’s a baby. Follow Chicco online! Visit our web site: Follow Chicco on Facebook: Follow Chicco on Instagram:

  • Trolley Me, the stroller you can carry like a trolley! - Chicco (English)

    10 déc. 2019

    The new Chicco Trolley Me is the stroller that can be easily transformed into a trolley, with simple and intuitive gestures. Comfortable for the baby and very practical to use for parents, it can be conveniently strolled also when folded. Its features like the wide and comfortable seat, as well as the handle bar, used to carry the stroller, make Trolley Me a perfect match between babies’ comfort and parents’ needs. Subscribe on Chicco Youtube Channel: Since 1958 Chicco has been offering safe and specific solutions to accompany parents on their journey across their children’s day-by-day growth from birth on. Throughout the years, we have stood by moms and dads to provide simple and efficient solutions to their questions. We have been able to build a constant dialogue with them, as well as with experts in the medical field thanks to the Chicco Observatory, to pursue our quest for innovation. Today, Chicco is one of the top 10 Italian consumer brands in the world and is present in over 120 countries with the same passion and objectives that triggered its creation 60 years ago: to be wherever there’s a baby. Follow Chicco online! Visit our web site: Follow Chicco on Facebook: Follow Chicco on Instagram:

  • Come usare Trolley Me - Chicco - (Italiano)

    17 déc. 2019

    Trolley Me: il passeggino che può essere facilmente trasportato come un trolley, con gesti semplici e intuitivi. Omologato dalla nascita fino ai 15 kg, comodo per il bambino e molto pratico da usare per i genitori, può essere comodamente trasportato anche da chiuso. Dotato di un'ampia seduta completamente reclinabile e un sistema di chiusura ad una sola mano, Trolley Me rappresenta l'equilibrio perfetto tra il comfort di genitori e bambini. Iscriviti al canale YouTube di Chicco: Dal 1958 Chicco offre soluzioni specifiche e sicure, pensate per accompagnare i genitori nello straordinario percorso di crescita dei loro bambini, giorno dopo giorno, fin dalla nascita. In questi anni siamo stati al fianco di mamme e papà per dare loro risposte semplici ed efficaci, instaurando un dialogo costante con loro e, grazie all'Osservatorio Chicco, con vari esperti anche del mondo medico scientifico, alla continua ricerca di innovazione. Oggi, Chicco è uno dei primi 10 marchi italiani di beni di largo consumo nel mondo ed è presente in oltre 120 Paesi con la stessa passione di 60 anni fa e l’obiettivo di sempre: essere dove c’è un bambino. Segui Chicco online! Visita il sito web: Segui Chicco su Facebook: Segui Chicco su Instagram:

  • PhysioForma Gommotto è il succhietto tutto morbido e delicato sul viso - Chicco (Italiano)

    9 déc. 2019

    PhysioForma è la forma esclusiva presente su tutti i succhietti Chicco che supporta la respirazione del bambino. PhysioForma Gommotto è il succhietto Chicco completamente morbido, perfetto giorno e notte. PhysioForma Gommotto non lascia segni sul viso del bambino per il massimo comfort anche durante i suoi momenti di nanna. Il PhysioForma Gommotto è disponibile sia in silicone con in caucciù naturale. Iscriviti al canale YouTube di Chicco: Dal 1958 Chicco offre soluzioni specifiche e sicure, pensate per accompagnare i genitori nello straordinario percorso di crescita dei loro bambini, giorno dopo giorno, fin dalla nascita. In questi anni siamo stati al fianco di mamme e papà per dare loro risposte semplici ed efficaci, instaurando un dialogo costante con loro e, grazie all'Osservatorio Chicco, con vari esperti anche del mondo medico scientifico, alla continua ricerca di innovazione. Oggi, Chicco è uno dei primi 10 marchi italiani di beni di largo consumo nel mondo ed è presente in oltre 120 Paesi con la stessa passione di 60 anni fa e l’obiettivo di sempre: essere dove c’è un bambino. Segui Chicco online! Visita il sito web: Segui Chicco su Facebook: Segui Chicco su Instagram:

  • Succhietti PhysioForma come supportano la respirazione del bambino - Chicco (Italiano)

    9 déc. 2019

    PhysioForma è la forma esclusiva presente su tutti i succhietti Chicco che supporta la respirazione del bambino grazie alle sue caratteristiche uniche: Speciali rilievi: Riproducono le naturali rugosità del palato, punti di riferimento che guidano la lingua nella corretta posizione Curvatura laterale: Distribuisce uniformemente la pressione della lingua sul palato per la sua corretta formazione Forma sottile, concava e rivolta all’insù: lascia spazio alla naturale posizione della lingua. Iscriviti al canale YouTube di Chicco: Dal 1958 Chicco offre soluzioni specifiche e sicure, pensate per accompagnare i genitori nello straordinario percorso di crescita dei loro bambini, giorno dopo giorno, fin dalla nascita. In questi anni siamo stati al fianco di mamme e papà per dare loro risposte semplici ed efficaci, instaurando un dialogo costante con loro e, grazie all'Osservatorio Chicco, con vari esperti anche del mondo medico scientifico, alla continua ricerca di innovazione. Oggi, Chicco è uno dei primi 10 marchi italiani di beni di largo consumo nel mondo ed è presente in oltre 120 Paesi con la stessa passione di 60 anni fa e l’obiettivo di sempre: essere dove c’è un bambino. Segui Chicco online! Visita il sito web: Segui Chicco su Facebook: Segui Chicco su Instagram:

  • Chicco Multiride (Deutsch)

    7 janv. 2020

    Der neue Off-Road Kinderwagen von Chicco! Bei diesem Allrounder bleiben keine Wünsche offen: Einhand-Schließmechanismus, super komfortabler Sitz mit Premiumdetails, große Räder mit Gummibereifung, Stoßdämpfer und Kugellager sowie XXL-Verdeck mit SPF UV50+ - der Wagen begleitet das Kind ab der Geburt bis ca. 4 Jahre auf buchstäblich allen Wegen. Subscribe on Chicco Youtube Channel: Seit 1958 bietet Chicco sichere und spezifische Lösungen an, um Eltern auf ihrer Reise der Wachstumsphase ihres Kindes von Geburt an zu begleiten. In den letzten 60 Jahren hat Chicco mit Müttern und Vätern zusammengearbeitet, um einfache und effektive Lösungen zu bieten. Mit unserem Baby-Forschungszentrum Osservatorio Chicco konnten wir einen ständigen Dialog mit ihnen sowie mit Experten aus Medizin und Wissenschaft aufbauen, um unser Streben nach Innovation zu verfolgen. Heute zählt Chicco zu den Top 10 der italienischen Konsumgütermarken der Welt und ist in mehr als 120 Ländern mit der gleichen Leidenschaft wie vor 60 Jahren präsent und hat das Ziel, überall zu sein, wo es Kinder gibt. Folge Chicco online! Besuche unsere Website: Folge Chicco auf Facebook: Folge Chicco auf Instagram:

  • Trolley Me, il passeggino che puoi trasportare come un trolley! Chicco (Italiano)

    10 déc. 2019

    Il nuovo Chicco Trolley Me è il passeggino che può essere facilmente trasportato come un trolley, con gesti semplici e intuitivi. Comodo per il bambino e molto pratico da usare per i genitori, può essere comodamente trasportato anche da chiuso. Le sue caratteristiche quali il sedile ampio e comodo, così come il maniglione, utilizzato per trasportare il passeggino, rendono Trolley Me un compromesso perfetto tra il comfort dei bambini e le esigenze dei genitori. Iscriviti al canale YouTube di Chicco: Dal 1958 Chicco offre soluzioni specifiche e sicure, pensate per accompagnare i genitori nello straordinario percorso di crescita dei loro bambini, giorno dopo giorno, fin dalla nascita. In questi anni siamo stati al fianco di mamme e papà per dare loro risposte semplici ed efficaci, instaurando un dialogo costante con loro e, grazie all'Osservatorio Chicco, con vari esperti anche del mondo medico scientifico, alla continua ricerca di innovazione. Oggi, Chicco è uno dei primi 10 marchi italiani di beni di largo consumo nel mondo ed è presente in oltre 120 Paesi con la stessa passione di 60 anni fa e l’obiettivo di sempre: essere dove c’è un bambino. Segui Chicco online! Visita il sito web: Segui Chicco su Facebook: Segui Chicco su Instagram:

  • I succhietti PhysioForma supportano la respirazione del bambino - succhietti - Chicco (Italiano)

    18 nov. 2019

    PhysioForma è la forma esclusiva presente su tutti i succhietti Chicco che supporta la respirazione del bambino grazie alle sue caratteristiche uniche: Speciali rilievi: Riproducono le naturali rugosità del palato, punti di riferimento che guidano la lingua nella corretta posizione Curvatura laterale: Distribuisce uniformemente la pressione della lingua sul palato per la sua corretta formazione Forma sottile, concava e rivolta all’insù: lascia spazio alla naturale posizione della lingua. Iscriviti al canale YouTube di Chicco: Dal 1958 Chicco offre soluzioni specifiche e sicure, pensate per accompagnare i genitori nello straordinario percorso di crescita dei loro bambini, giorno dopo giorno, fin dalla nascita. In questi anni siamo stati al fianco di mamme e papà per dare loro risposte semplici ed efficaci, instaurando un dialogo costante con loro e, grazie all'Osservatorio Chicco, con vari esperti anche del mondo medico scientifico, alla continua ricerca di innovazione. Oggi, Chicco è uno dei primi 10 marchi italiani di beni di largo consumo nel mondo ed è presente in oltre 120 Paesi con la stessa passione di 60 anni fa e l’obiettivo di sempre: essere dove c’è un bambino. Segui Chicco online! Visita il sito web: Segui Chicco su Facebook: Segui Chicco su Instagram:

  • How to PhysioForma Soothers support baby's breathing - pacifier - Chicco (English)

    9 déc. 2019

    PhysioForma is the exclusive shape of Chicco soothers that supports baby's breathing thanks to its special characteristics: Special tiny ridges: mimic the natural ridges of the palate, and serve as a point of reference to guide the tongue into the correct position. Lateral curves: evenly distributes tongue pressure across the palate, allowing it to form correctly. A thin, concave shape that points upwards: leaves room for the natural position of the tongue. Subscribe on Chicco Youtube Channel: Since 1958 Chicco has been offering safe and specific solutions to accompany parents on their journey across their children’s day-by-day growth from birth on. Throughout the years, we have stood by moms and dads to provide simple and efficient solutions to their questions. We have been able to build a constant dialogue with them, as well as with experts in the medical field thanks to the Chicco Observatory, to pursue our quest for innovation. Today, Chicco is one of the top 10 Italian consumer brands in the world and is present in over 120 countries with the same passion and objectives that triggered its creation 60 years ago: to be wherever there’s a baby. Follow Chicco online! Visit our web site: Follow Chicco on Facebook: Follow Chicco on Instagram:

  • Succhietti PhysioForma Air: extra areati sul viso del bambino - Chicco (Italiano)

    9 déc. 2019

    PhysioForma è la forma esclusiva presente su tutti i succhietti Chicco che supporta la respirazione del bambino. PhysioForma Air è il succhietto di Chicco con lo scudo extra areato. La forma ergonomica lascia il giusto spazio per il mento e il naso del bambino e i 12 grandi fori di ventilazione sono stati studiati per lasciare la pelle del tuo bambino sempre libera di respirare. Iscriviti al canale YouTube di Chicco: Dal 1958 Chicco offre soluzioni specifiche e sicure, pensate per accompagnare i genitori nello straordinario percorso di crescita dei loro bambini, giorno dopo giorno, fin dalla nascita. In questi anni siamo stati al fianco di mamme e papà per dare loro risposte semplici ed efficaci, instaurando un dialogo costante con loro e, grazie all'Osservatorio Chicco, con vari esperti anche del mondo medico scientifico, alla continua ricerca di innovazione. Oggi, Chicco è uno dei primi 10 marchi italiani di beni di largo consumo nel mondo ed è presente in oltre 120 Paesi con la stessa passione di 60 anni fa e l’obiettivo di sempre: essere dove c’è un bambino. Segui Chicco online! Visita il sito web: Segui Chicco su Facebook: Segui Chicco su Instagram:

  • Soothers PhysioForma Air: extra ventilated on baby's face - pacifier - Chicco (English)

    9 déc. 2019

    PhysioForma is the exclusive shape of Chicco soothers that supports baby's breathing. PhysioForma Air is the Chicco soother with the extra ventilated rigid shield. The ergonomic shape leaves the correct space for chin and nose and the 12 big ventilaiton holes have been studied for improved air flow, leaving your baby's skin free to breathe. Subscribe on Chicco Youtube Channel: Since 1958 Chicco has been offering safe and specific solutions to accompany parents on their journey across their children’s day-by-day growth from birth on. Throughout the years, we have stood by moms and dads to provide simple and efficient solutions to their questions. We have been able to build a constant dialogue with them, as well as with experts in the medical field thanks to the Chicco Observatory, to pursue our quest for innovation. Today, Chicco is one of the top 10 Italian consumer brands in the world and is present in over 120 countries with the same passion and objectives that triggered its creation 60 years ago: to be wherever there’s a baby. Follow Chicco online! Visit our web site: Follow Chicco on Facebook: Follow Chicco on Instagram:

  • Soothers PhysioForma Micrò: light and small on baby's face - pacifier - Chicco (English)

    9 déc. 2019

    PhysioForma is the exclusive shape of Chicco soothers that supports baby's breathing. PhysioForma Micrò is the Chicco soother for newborns: light with a mini dedicated teat. Its lightweight design means it is small and ergonomic on your baby's face, ideal for newborns. The little and short teat actively promotes the correct development of your baby's mouth. Studied for 0-2 month newborns. Subscribe on Chicco Youtube Channel: Since 1958 Chicco has been offering safe and specific solutions to accompany parents on their journey across their children’s day-by-day growth from birth on. Throughout the years, we have stood by moms and dads to provide simple and efficient solutions to their questions. We have been able to build a constant dialogue with them, as well as with experts in the medical field thanks to the Chicco Observatory, to pursue our quest for innovation. Today, Chicco is one of the top 10 Italian consumer brands in the world and is present in over 120 countries with the same passion and objectives that triggered its creation 60 years ago: to be wherever there’s a baby. Follow Chicco online! Visit our web site: Follow Chicco on Facebook: Follow Chicco on Instagram:

  • Soothers PhysioForma Soft: delicate on baby's face - pacifier - Chicco (English)

    9 déc. 2019

    PhysioForma is the exclusive shape of Chicco soothers that supports baby's breathing. PhysioForma Soft is the Chicco soother completely soft, perfect night and day. Its safe one-piece construction is completely soft and does not leave marks on baby's face. The PhysioForma Soft is available both in silicone and natural rubber. Subscribe on Chicco Youtube Channel: Since 1958 Chicco has been offering safe and specific solutions to accompany parents on their journey across their children’s day-by-day growth from birth on. Throughout the years, we have stood by moms and dads to provide simple and efficient solutions to their questions. We have been able to build a constant dialogue with them, as well as with experts in the medical field thanks to the Chicco Observatory, to pursue our quest for innovation. Today, Chicco is one of the top 10 Italian consumer brands in the world and is present in over 120 countries with the same passion and objectives that triggered its creation 60 years ago: to be wherever there’s a baby. Follow Chicco online! Visit our web site: Follow Chicco on Facebook: Follow Chicco on Instagram:

  • Soothers PhysioForma Comfort: ultra ergonomic on baby's face - pacifier - Chicco (English)

    9 déc. 2019

    PhysioForma is the exclusive shape of Chicco soothers that supports baby's breathing. PhysioForma Comfort is the Chicco soother with the ultra ergonomic rigid shield. The ergonomic shape with only 4 points of contact is extremely gentless on baby's face and facilitate the natural movement of your baby's mouth. Subscribe on Chicco Youtube Channel: Since 1958 Chicco has been offering safe and specific solutions to accompany parents on their journey across their children’s day-by-day growth from birth on. Throughout the years, we have stood by moms and dads to provide simple and efficient solutions to their questions. We have been able to build a constant dialogue with them, as well as with experts in the medical field thanks to the Chicco Observatory, to pursue our quest for innovation. Today, Chicco is one of the top 10 Italian consumer brands in the world and is present in over 120 countries with the same passion and objectives that triggered its creation 60 years ago: to be wherever there’s a baby. Follow Chicco online! Visit our web site: Follow Chicco on Facebook: Follow Chicco on Instagram:

  • Succhietti PhysioForma Micrò: piccolo e leggero sul viso del bambino - Chicco (Italiano)

    9 déc. 2019

    PhysioForma è la forma esclusiva presente su tutti i succhietti Chicco che supporta la respirazione del bambino. PhysioForma Micrò è il succhietto di Chicco studiato per i neonati: piccolo con una tettina mini dedicata. La sua leggerezza fa si che si adatti perfettamente alle esigenze del bambino più piccolo. La tettina piccola e più corta promuove il corretto sviluppo della bocca del tuo bambino. Studiato per neonati dagli 0 ai 2 mesi. Iscriviti al canale YouTube di Chicco: Dal 1958 Chicco offre soluzioni specifiche e sicure, pensate per accompagnare i genitori nello straordinario percorso di crescita dei loro bambini, giorno dopo giorno, fin dalla nascita. In questi anni siamo stati al fianco di mamme e papà per dare loro risposte semplici ed efficaci, instaurando un dialogo costante con loro e, grazie all'Osservatorio Chicco, con vari esperti anche del mondo medico scientifico, alla continua ricerca di innovazione. Oggi, Chicco è uno dei primi 10 marchi italiani di beni di largo consumo nel mondo ed è presente in oltre 120 Paesi con la stessa passione di 60 anni fa e l’obiettivo di sempre: essere dove c’è un bambino. Segui Chicco online! Visita il sito web: Segui Chicco su Facebook: Segui Chicco su Instagram:

  • Succhietti PhysioForma Comfort: ultra ergonomico sul viso del bambino - Chicco (Italiano)

    9 déc. 2019

    PhysioForma è la forma esclusiva presente su tutti i succhietti Chicco che supporta la respirazione del bambino. PhysioForma Comfort è il succhietto di Chicco con lo scudo ultra ergonomico. Lo scudo ergonomico con solo 4 punti di contatti sul viso del bambino è estremamente delicato e si adatta alla bocca del tuo bambino. Iscriviti al canale YouTube di Chicco: Dal 1958 Chicco offre soluzioni specifiche e sicure, pensate per accompagnare i genitori nello straordinario percorso di crescita dei loro bambini, giorno dopo giorno, fin dalla nascita. In questi anni siamo stati al fianco di mamme e papà per dare loro risposte semplici ed efficaci, instaurando un dialogo costante con loro e, grazie all'Osservatorio Chicco, con vari esperti anche del mondo medico scientifico, alla continua ricerca di innovazione. Oggi, Chicco è uno dei primi 10 marchi italiani di beni di largo consumo nel mondo ed è presente in oltre 120 Paesi con la stessa passione di 60 anni fa e l’obiettivo di sempre: essere dove c’è un bambino. Segui Chicco online! Visita il sito web: Segui Chicco su Facebook: Segui Chicco su Instagram:

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